If you want a different type of salsa than your standard salsa, this is the one for you. Great for potlucks and will have everyone asking for more. Chill...
A tangy fresh Colombian-style salsa which can be made delicious either mild or XXX hot! Goes great with grilled meats, empanadas, and tostones, but I put...
A quick and easy dip that everyone loves. Doubling the recipe yields enough for a party. It is great with plain chips or nachos. Sliced black olives may...
This round wheel of Brie is dusted with curry powder, then spread with a mango chutney, studded with chopped cashews, and baked until the cheese inside...
This dip is especially for all those football fans to consume while watching their favorite team win. Take it into a crowd, add chips--regular chips are...
My friend gave me this recipe for a hot, easy appetizer. It is very simple to make for get-togethers. If you like hot ham and Swiss sandwiches, you will...
This cheese ball is one our family has had and used for 20 years. We love it. It's simple, and most of the ingredients are kept on hand. Roll it in nuts...
Everyone always asked my mother for this recipe. I can't eat chopped veggies without it. Works great as an appetizer to get people chomping down on veggies,...
A friend at work made this and I had to have the recipe. It's so simple to make and sooo tasty. Plenty of cheese makes this a real treat on crackers or...
This is a favorite recipe, perfect for get-togethers or tailgating. Be prepared to provide copies of the recipe to your friends because they'll be sure...
This hot dip is perfect for a tailgate party or anytime! Shredded chicken, cream cheese, hot sauce and lots of melted cheese create a wonderful buffalo...
This is called tyrokafteri in Greek, a cheesy and spicy spread that is served as an appetizer, similarly to tzatziki. Very easy to make and you can't go...
I use this tomato-based spread in place of jelly on toast and bagels. My favorite is spreading it on tomato-basil bagels. I usually place 1/2 the spread...
This is an incredible cheese spread. With the red of the sun-dried tomatoes and the green of the pesto, it makes for a beautiful Christmas appetizer. Garnish...
This is my husband's great aunt's recipe. It's been passed down through the family for years! It's always a hit at parties! Roll in the chopped nuts of...
Tastes very similar to ones served in chain restaurants in our area. This one uses refrigerated Alfredo sauce as its base to give it a wonderful creamy...
This is the 'salsa de tomatillo' that I grew up with. It can be used as a sauce for grilled chicken, fish or shrimp, as the basis for green chilaquiles...
Turn regular hummus into a colorful, healthier dip by adding beets! This is the perfect use for leftover beets you don't know what to do with. Serve with...
A great sauce for dipping almost any Asian inspired dish in! Should you desire a thicker consistency than what this recipe yields, dissolve another 1/4...
This is a creamy, hearty dip that works well for a gathering. It's not light, and is a good option when you are serving close to meal time, but don't want...
A delicious Summer dip full of taste and fragrant with aroma. Tangy and light, with lemon and lime being the star performers. Serve with fresh, crunchy...
Hummus is a creamy puree of garbanzo beans and tahini (sesame seed paste) seasoned with lemon juice and garlic. It is a popular spread and dip in Greece...
A delicious, homemade version of the new yogurt and cream cheese spreads in the grocery store. If Greek yogurt is not available, hang your yogurt in a...